Letter from Airinum's CEO
Dear customer,
The year’s end is soon upon us, and it never ceases to surprise me just how fast a year goes by. A new year brings new opportunity, and in these unprecedented times where our normal lives have been flipped upside down, I see a chance to shift focus and see the world with new perspective.

Reflecting briefly, we have seen yet another year where the pandemic has impacted us on a global scale. While 2020 was a year of panic and uncertainty, 2021 offered a dose of optimism with the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out, and learning to live with the virus in our communities. Importantly, an easing of restrictions in combination with sensible WHO recommendations such as hand washing, keeping distance, mask wearing in public etc has meant many people have been able to meet their loved ones, travel to meet family and allowed small businesses to recover from forced hibernation. Arrival of the Omicron variant has showed us that the path to reopening is not always smooth, with masks and other measures mandated again more broadly, but provides Airinum with a renewed sense of purpose and drive to continue to provide high quality breathing protection to people all over the world.
Looking forward, we hope to see governments and industry across the globe continue to work together to seek an end to the pandemic, and I am confident 2022 will bring us a chance to make significant progress in the right direction, towards a brighter future for all.
While media was mostly flooded by pandemic news, a major event that received important coverage was the climate change conference in Glasgow, COP 2021. While we don’t have direct evidence that climate change has impacted the spread of Covid-19, we do know that climate crises affect how humans and species interact, which in turns increases the risk for infections and ill-health. Resent studies* also conclude that people that are exposed toair pollution, in a similar way to smokers, fare worse with respiratory infections than those who are breathing clean and healthy air. We have many reasons to take climate action to improve our health, and reducing risks for infectious disease emergence is one of them. As humans continue to live unsustainably, we carry on releasing carbon and other emissions into the atmosphere, which builds a layer of particles and gases like a giant quilt around our planet. When the rays from the sun are trapped in this greenhouse, the world heats up; Glaciers melt, nature becomes unbalanced, and we experience more extreme weather. These events not only deteriorate our planet, but also the health of humans. Our actions ultimately dictate our conditions.
“We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.”
Translation missing: en.misson.p10
Airinum was founded on the belief that clean air should be something available to everyone and we set out to create the world’s most advanced air masks. Since inception in 2015, we have developed both world-class filter technology and engineered masks tailored for end users. Looking to 2022, we are excited to foster this knowledge further and continue to perfect masks for people in all contexts to be free of air pollution, allergies and airborne diseases. However, Airinum is more than just a mask company. In 2022 and beyond, we are dedicated to advance our mission to beat climate change’s impact on human health by broadening the scope of future products - we A/M to producehealth necessories that the world, unfortunately, needs. We will also work hard to raise awareness and educate on the topic of climate change by doing more collaborations, work with our environmental partner Milkywire to bring out influential content, and continue with the Airinum fund to invest in initiatives that brings a cleaner future. to advance our mission to beat climate change’s impact on human health by broadening the scope of future products - we A/M to produce health necessories that the world, unfortunately, needs. We will also work hard to raise awareness and educate on the topic of climate change by doing more collaborations, work with our environmental partner Milkywire to bring out influential content, and continue with the Airinum fund to invest in initiatives that brings a cleaner future.
I’m extremely proud writing this message to our hundreds of thousands of Airinum customers, because you are not only a wearer of our products, but also an important member of our community and thus part of fulfilling our mission. You, the customer, are our company's biggest asset. Together, I am thrilled to continue this journey to develop products that can save lives, inspire people, and build knowledge to ultimately change behavior. To shift to a more sustainable lifestyle, and ultimately contribute to a cleaner and brighter future.
Thank you for your trust in Airinum and cheers to exciting and important times ahead.
I, on behalf of the entire Airinum team, wish you a great new year!